The Amazing Free E-mail Trap for SOHO and Solopreneurs!
It is amazing how many business owners still have an E-mail address that does not have their own domain name (identifies their own web site as part of the E-mail address). Instead, they have or, or the like.
Get it? Is spells beginner! If you do not have your own web address, i.e. DOMAIN NAME, such as "" or "", or your own personal name or the like, get it as soon as possible. You cannot afford not to have a domain name of your own.
Use a host server for your web page/site that includes E-mail service, and you are on your way. You can do the whole package for about ten to twelve dollars a month. If you feel you cannot afford this, then quite frankly, you should not be in business.
TIP: Would you prefer to use the original primary registrar of domain names instead one of the multitude of subsequent resellers and spend hours plowing through all of the wide range of "special offers"? Then let us help you. But if you are very independent and want to do it yourself, see the Do It Yourself page on this web site.
Bottom Line: Each time you give out your E-mail address, you are also helping direct the user to a web site.
Are you still directing people to, or one of the other free E-mail host web domains? Why not bring them to your web site damain name instead? That is why this web site is here for you.
Feel free to contact me with your questions. Simply use the yellow button on the Contact Information page of this web site!
Do you Tweet or have a Reddit or FaceBook following? Would you like to help seed several vital not-for-profit visions? Do you or some of your friends own or operate a small or home-based enterprise, or non-profit? Guests on my web sites who click on the "Foggy Future?" picture to the right (it is not a pay for click button) and then become actual users of my services will help me afford the time to "seed and feed" some vital not-for-profit visions, including,, and
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